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Globe and Mail – How to be a tax-smart snowbird with property in the U.S.

David Altro & Matt Altro published in the Globe and Mail on 5 tax traps that US citizens living in Canada need to be aware of to ensure they avoid tax pitfalls.

Advisor’s Edge – Tax reform: Hits and misses for cross-border clients

Matt Altro was interviewed by Advisor’s Edge to review the US tax reform changes’ impact for Canadians with a cross-border lifestyle, assets and investments.

Charitable Donations as an Estate Planning Tool After 2016

Due to changes in the Income Tax Act, charitable donations made under a Will may require a re-visit.

Americans in Canada: Taxation of Principal Residence at Death

I’m an American living in Canada: how will my principal residence be taxed when I die?

Filing U.S. Tax Returns After Selling U.S. Property: A Must

Many Canadians are aware of FIRPTA legislation, but few individuals meet their obligations by filing IRS Form 1040NR or 1120-F post sale of US real estate.

Canadians with US Real Estate

Canadians with US Real Estate Canadians with US Real Estate | Canadians Owning US Property | Canadians Buying/Selling US Property | Settling a US Estate Many Canadians already own US real estate, and given the increasing strength of the US real estate market, many others are contemplating purchasing or selling [...]

Clinton vs. Trump: The US Presidential Frontrunners’ Platforms on Immigration, Tax & Health Care and their Potential Impact on Canadians

In February, I discussed the leading presidential candidates’ positions on tax and health care on CJAD 800AM, reviewing the platforms of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Last week, The Atlantic published a US presidential race cheat sheet with a byline stating that November’s presidential race will most likely be run by Hillary [...]

FIRPTA – New Withholding Tax Requirements for Non-Residents

Currency Opportunity for Canadians The current value of the Canadian dollar has presented many Canadians with an opportunity to realize significant capital gains when selling their US real estate. These types of profits would have otherwise been unattainable had the dollar kept its value in the global market. This opportunity is not one that is likely [...]