The STEP Journal – Deep Freeze
David Altro & Hadielia Yassiri’s article in the STEP Journal explores the US tax implications of Canadian estate freezes.
David Altro & Hadielia Yassiri’s article in the STEP Journal explores the US tax implications of Canadian estate freezes.
For certain trusts, the deeming provisions of section 94 of the Income Tax Act can result in a tax liability to the CRA.
David Altro & Matt Wolch’s article in the STEP Journal is an analysis of US estate tax and the tax & estate planning opportunities available to US persons and Canadian residents.
Due to changes in the Income Tax Act, charitable donations made under a Will may require a re-visit.
This blog discussed the importance of understanding multi-jurisdictional powers of attorney for Canadians who travel between Canada and the US.
Canadians who own US situs assets are subject to US estate tax. The concern? The definition of “US situs assets” is broader than many Canadians realize.
Will Trump make good on his promise to repeal US estate tax? How do these anticipated changes affect Canadians leaving assets to kids living in the US?
The US Federal Estate Tax Exemption has risen annually since its confirmation under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. This year the estate tax exemption stands at $5.49 million USD per U.S. person.
The Canadian dollar might not be as strong as it once was, but that still hasn’t stopped many Canadians from investing in the US real estate market. Each day we meet with new clients who are looking to the US to develop a portfolio of residential rental properties in order to generate a secondary, or in [...]
Cross Border Estate Planning: Gifting to US Resident Children By Heela Donsky Walker April 13, 2015 Canadian parents are no strangers to losing their kids to the US – some may leave Canada to study in the US never to return, while others are recruited by US companies and sponsored by [...]