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Playing the Currency Game with US Dollars & US Real Estate

Is it a good time to buy real estate? This is a question you can hear most days, in most cities. However, for Canadian snowbirds this is a big question as they venture south to spend the winter months in the sun of Florida and other sunbelt states. This begs the question: is it a good [...]

The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act: New U.S. Law Paves Pathway for Important Changes to FIRPTA

U.S. Congress was busy at the end of the year. There was much debate about several key pieces of legislation that have the potential to affect Canadians in 2016, including the popular EB-5 investment-for-visa program, which I most recently blogged about here. Amid the flurry of activity, President Obama signed a key piece of legislation into [...]

Limited Liability Limited Partnerships and the Perils of Cross Border Tax

The Canadian dollar might not be as strong as it once was, but that still hasn’t stopped many Canadians from investing in the US real estate market. Each day we meet with new clients who are looking to the US to develop a portfolio of residential rental properties in order to generate a secondary, or in [...]

The Montreal Gazette – Tax Strategy: Keep taxman apprised when converting a home into a rental

Matt C. Altro is a regular contributor to Paul Delean’s business column in the Montreal Gazette. Click here to view the article online or scroll down to read Matt’s answer to the second question below. Tax Strategy: Keep taxman apprised when converting a home into a rental PAUL DELEAN The Montreal Gazette Monday, May 4, 2015 [...]

Cross Border Estate Planning: Gifting to US Resident Children

Cross Border Estate Planning: Gifting to US Resident Children By Heela Donsky Walker April 13, 2015 Canadian parents are no strangers to losing their kids to the US – some may leave Canada to study in the US never to return, while others are recruited by US companies and sponsored by [...]

Expatriate Tax Issues and Strategies: The IRS Eases Reporting Requirements for RRSPs

Canadians move to the U.S. for a variety of reasons. Some Canadians are drawn to states like California, Florida and Arizona, which offer the promise of year-round warmth and sunshine; others may want to be close to family members who live in the U.S.; and others might be permanently relocated south of the border by their [...]

Obama’s Tax Proposals: Raise Taxes for the Rich, Aid the Middle-Class

President Obama’s recent State of the Union address focused on closing the income inequality gap. To achieve that goal, the President unveiled a plan to raise capital gains taxes for the rich – his two key capital gains proposals target the top 1% of US taxpayers. Unsurprisingly, the proposals, outlined below, face heavy opposition from a [...]

Estate Planning Considerations for the Family Cottage

In the last few years, I had the pleasure of spending many summer weekends at a friend’s family cottage in the beautiful Georgian Bay. Like many retired Canadians, my friend’s parents spend virtually every weekend at their cottage, which they built with their own hands decades ago, and plan almost every holiday and major family event [...]