/Cross Border News

Cross Border News

At Altro LLP we are experts in our field and are often interviewed on television and the radio or quoted in newspapers, journals and magazines. We also encourage our attorneys to continually improve their knowledge and grow professionally with the publication of articles written on the areas of the law practiced at our firm. Below are references to the various media outlets, which include CTV, The Globe and Mail, The Montreal Gazette, The Vancouver Sun and more, that have interviewed our team of partners and professionals.

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US Expatriation

| October 16th, 2022|


Update on Virtual Witnessing of Wills and Powers of Attorney in Ontario

| July 19th, 2021|


Potential US Tax Changes Canadians Should Keep Their Eye On

| June 10th, 2021|


What U.S. tax proposals mean for Canadians

| May 26th, 2021|


Canadian Tax Exemption on Principal Residence under Pressure

| March 24th, 2021|


Canadian snowbirds weigh COVID-19 quarantine costs against tax and health insurance consequences

| February 4th, 2021|


Quebec tax credit may help retirees who returned to labour force in 2020

| February 1st, 2021|


Globe & Mail – Snowbirds, COVID-19 and what to do with your sunbelt property

| October 9th, 2020|


How Donald Trump is driving Americans to renounce their citizenship

| August 22nd, 2020|


Globe & Mail – Why an estate freeze makes sense now

| May 21st, 2020|


Globe & Mail – Will the current presidential election change U.S. estate tax for Canadians?

| May 4th, 2020|


Thomson Reuters – A New Multilateral World

| April 28th, 2020|