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Wealth Professional – Watch out! FATCA’s on your doorstep, warns Toronto advisor
Matt C. Altro was recently interviewed for an article which appeared in the online publication of Wealth Professional. In the article, Matt addresses what advisors and Americans living in Canada need to know about FATCA [...]
The Far Reach of FATCA
I spent five glorious months of my law school career on exchange in L.A. I loved living in California: when the “winter” came, I couldn’t believe how warm it was. I drove to class every [...]
Advisor’s Edge – The complicated landscape of US estate tax
David A. Altro recently wrote an article which appeared on and in the Advisor’s Edge magazine. In the article, David explains what is considered a US asset and the US estate tax implications for [...]
Is a U.S. Revocable Trust Okay for Canadians?
Revocable trusts are a common estate planning tool in the U.S. Also referred to as living trusts and grantor trusts, they provide a method of avoiding costly probate and incapacity proceedings. A well written revocable [...]
The Globe & Mail – Borders Complicate Gifts to Heirs
David A. Altro was recently interviewed for an article which has appeared in the Report on Business section of The Globe & Mail newspaper. In the article, David explains some of the obstacles a Canadian [...]
The Perfect Match: Trusts + Marriage Contracts = Asset Protection
"I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them." - Phyllis Diller While we don’t all want to move in with our children once [...]
Canadian Income Splitting and Issues for Americans
On October 1, 2013, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) increased the prescribed interest rate to 2%. This change clearly affects Canadians looking to use prescribed rate loans as a strategy for income splitting, but prescribed [...]
What Obamacare Means for Canadians Looking to Move to the U.S.
As Canadians, we tend to take for granted the benefits we are entitled to when living in a country with universal healthcare. However, provincial healthcare is only available to Canadian residents who spend the requisite [...]
David A. Altro Interviewed on CTV News
October 27, 2013 - Canadian Snowbirds Take Flight On October 27, 2013 CTV News invited Altro LLP's Managing Partner David A. Altro for a live on-air interview. As the Snowbirds take flight to warmer climates [...]
Matt C. Altro on CHCH Square Off
Toronto, ON - October 2, 2013 - US Travel Rules Could Change Matt C. Altro, Cross Border Financial Planner, Partner and Chief Operating Officer at Altro LLP, was recently interviewed by Mark Hebscher and Liz [...]