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Globe & Mail – Will the current presidential election change U.S. estate tax for Canadians?

We are very pleased to share that David Altro and Avi Guttman were asked to prepare a special for The Globe and Mail, which was published on May 3, 2020. Their article titled “Will the current presidential election change U.S. estate tax for Canadians?” provides insight into how the US estate tax may change with the upcoming US presidential election. The article reviews proposed changes by the Republicans and Democrats, and what this means for Canadians with US estate tax exposure.

U.S. Estate Tax Calculator 2018

Under the current rules, a Canadian may be subject to U.S. estate tax of up to 40% of the value of their U.S. assets upon death. The calculation depends on the following three factors: 1. Year of death 2. U.S. estate (includes U.S. real estate and shares of stock of U.S. companies held in direct ownership) [...]

Trump’s US estate tax promise & leaving assets to an American

Will Trump make good on his promise to repeal US estate tax? How do these anticipated changes affect Canadians leaving assets to kids living in the US?

Looming Changes to the Estate Tax Under President-Elect Trump

The US Federal Estate Tax Exemption has risen annually since its confirmation under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. This year the estate tax exemption stands at $5.49 million USD per U.S. person.


Matt C. Altro was recently interviewed by Melissa Shin from Advisor’s Edge to analyze the consequences and opportunities when it comes to crossing the Canada/US border with retirement accounts.

U.S. Estate Tax Calculator

Under the current rules, a Canadian may be subject to U.S. estate tax of up to 40% of the value of their U.S. assets upon death. The calculation depends on the following three factors: 1. Year of death 2. U.S. estate (includes U.S. real estate and shares of stock of U.S. companies held in direct ownership) [...]

Tax Issues for American Citizens Living in Canada: Estate Tax

The federal U.S. estate tax is an incredibly important topic for some U.S. citizens and a complete non-issue for others. As such, it is useful to understand the rules, if only to determine whether or not it is something you need to be concerned with. The first point for every U.S. citizen to remember is that [...]

U.S. Estate Tax Debate

The U.S. estate tax continues to be debated by our neighbours to the south. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont) shared his views on U.S. estate tax earlier this month in a Huffington Post blog. He plans to introduce legislation that will restructure the U.S. estate tax system. He suggests reducing the U.S. estate tax exemption from the [...]